Hello there...
I am once again going to bombard you with things from my blessings list...
101. my camera
102. Geometry... even though I think its boring...
103. good eyesight
104. R running around in his blue hat with the pompom
105. Kleenex
106. grilled cheese and pickles
107. M’s sense of humor
108. the speaker in our living room that has its volume adjuster knob missing
109. ladybugs
110. trees to climb
111. sledding
112. skiing at Highland and Spirit Mt. with my dad
113. the fence around our backyard
114. beautiful gardens that my mom works so hard in
115. leaf piles to jump into
116. food to share with friends
117. that one day when we had Granny, Grandpa, Mrs. P, Doug, Kylie, Josie, Zee, Isaac, and us five all in and out of our small house; mom running all over; thinking of installing a revolving door; painting rooms; talking about a bathroom; having our living room overflowing with stuff that was out of my mom and dad’s room while we were painting; Mt. Dew being served; lemonade everywhere; chips and pretzel bags being tossed to people; WHAT A BLAST!!!
118. family and friends that are willing to help us out when we need it
119. warm sunshine after a month of clouds and rain
120. sunsets over the lake
121. picnics at the Lake H
122. happy Saturdays when all we do is sit around and talk at the table
123. playing baseball in Granny and Grandpa’s backyard for what seemed like 2 minutes but was really 3 hours
124. dinner on the patio
125. warm spring nights with no mosquitoes
126. quesadillas and chips after church on Sunday
127. Friday night movie and pizza in the basement
128. my dad saying we’ll only watch half of the Lord of the Rings, but then staying up until 1:30 a.m. watching the whole thing
129. homemade buttered popcorn
131. angels
132. laying on our backs watching stars late at night
133. seeing the stripe of the Milky Way
134. Michaels craft stores
135. going into Michaels close to Christmas to watch and listen to those little towns that they set up that are made of porcelain, and the people move on some of them, and just being so happy just to do that
136. quilting with Mamo in the loft on cool summer days
137. Mamo Camp!!! Racing, ATVing, going to the farm, pontooning, quilting, working in the woodshop, driving Papa’s truck, and having campfires after dinner that last until 9:30 pm
138. small group at church with Julianna
139. warm M&M cookies!
I know that it is a lot to read, but I really enjoy doing this!
Thanks for reading it!