Saturday, December 11, 2010

One Last Update on the Storm

We went from a happy 5 inches..


To a continuing pile of dusty snow and the comfiest chairs this side of the city!

And the snow still falls.

Only now it’s more a sandstorm. Sharp, icy crystals blowing- off of roofs, streets, trees, clouds.

Wind blowing fierce- like on the prairie. It ricochets off houses, sweeping this way and that, snatching branches and hats.

Cookies bake warm in the oven, chocolate kisses landing on top in perfect shapes. Popcorn is eaten, movie watched.

The window-well fills, half way thick with the individual crystals.

The drive way waits for plowing.

And still the snow falls.


(This shows about how much snow we’ve received. A good 12 inches!)


And still the snow falls…



Staying warm over here as the snow dances…

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