Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The First Snow

The First Snow of the Year! What fun! We've gotten around 5-6 inches of snow!
Trees in the snow...
a day to do 1000 piece puzzles...
and the last leaf to fall.
Very cool! What fun it is to have snow on the ground! It really makes winter and Christmas seem more real and able to happen when there's snow.
Our Christmas tree, the snow, warm slippers, puzzles and sloppy joes for dinner.
a good day.
With the little dude running all over and talking in sentences, it is fun to listen to him. Today he came up to me and said, "Hi how are you I'm good that's good see ya call ya now." (he was carrying a fake phone). How right!
Hi! How are you? I'm good. That's good. See ya! Call you later!
what a fun life.