Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blessings on a Thursday

I just looked up and guess what? It was Thursday and I had forgotten to do my blessings list!
Many blessings swirl through my brain and I think about how much the Lord has blessed me.

250. our old black piano that still plays tunes throughout our house
251. PSEO prayers answered through acceptance letters!!
252. L's light switch mechanism, so that we can turn off the light from where we sit and read at night and don't have to leave our warm beds
253. Home of the Brave by Katherine Applegate

253. The Hole in Our Gospel book by Richard Stearns- incredible! Please read!
254. Friends who come to the project fairs
255. finishing my piano piece without exploding
256. Psalm 91

257. new traditions started this Resurrection Day with a package from Holy Experience
258. Bonifay's Blog- awesome!
259. homemade sloppy joes!!!

May the Lord bless your days ahead!

Photos: our piano, The Hole in Our Gospel, wreath made by Caleb

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