Friday, April 22, 2011

and the world sits solemn


today the world sits


in the cloudy day here

good weather for today

Good Friday

When Christ paid the price for my salvation

so I could come to Him


“He was made in the world,

and though the world was made through him,

the world did not recognize him…”


“He came to that which was his own,

but his own did not receive him…”


“Yet to all who did receive him,

who called upon His name…”


“He gave the right to become the children of God.”


"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only,


who came from the Father,

full of grace and truth.”

(John 1: 10-12, 14)

a blessed good friday to you, my friends.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Want to Feel Small?

God is so AMAZING!

Check out these pictures I found in my Astronomy course today.

This one is of the galaxies beyond our own…

The next image is a zoom of the above

The Milky Way…


Francesca Battistelli Song

To my dad…

who lost his keys too.


Have a great day!


(if you can’t see the video, click here)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

blown away yet again…

What can I say?
God totally blew me out of the water again with his goodness and gifts.
That’s twice this week.

A few weeks ago, I was just done.
I was tired of thinking about what I was going to do with my life and where to find a job for the summer.
I prayed hard…
really hard.
I asked God to show me- tell me PLEASE where it was I was supposed to work.
Silence on the other line,
then just one word.
I just about lost it at that one.
Wait? Again? Just like last time I asked?
But peace knocked and I let Him in, and took a deep breath.
So, frustrated but peaceful, I went to bed.
The next day my mom went out with a good friend of ours for lunch. Her daughter mentioned a job opening at the little drug store where she and her brother worked.
Mom let me know, and I instantly thought of my conversation with God last night.
Then I swear I heard in my head, plain as the nose on my face, “Wait’s over.”
So I applied.
I also applied down at a little family nursery by our house, just in case.
A week goes by.
And another.
Then this nice lady gives me a call from the little drug store-
“Would you like to interview?”
So Monday I drove out, prayed the whole way there, and pulling into the lot 15 minutes early (a normal thing for me and Mom :) ) and prayed some more.
Deep breath and walk in.
The interview passes, I say hello to friends, and walk out.
Is this it, God? Do you still want me to work here? Let me know…
The nice lady said that she would let me know if I got the job by Friday.
This morning (Wednesday) I was still in my PJ’s (I know… bad… it was like 9 o clock… :) ) when the phone rings.
Mom hands it over, all grins and giddiness. I hear Miranda asking in the background, “Did she get the job?”
“Hi! This is Joy. I was wondering if you still wanted to work at K Drug Store?”
I called Dad, and what he said just rang through my head the rest of the day…
“God has blessed you mightily.”
Yes, He has,
and he showed once again that he ALWAYS has a plan.

Monday, April 18, 2011

when you can’t see the path


I was sitting up late.

Later than I ought to have been.

Praying and thinking, wondering and dreaming.

Where will the next years take me?

Where will I work?

What about college?

What could I do to further the Kingdom?

How can I glorify God in everything?

The questions weighed down, so I prayed them, and asked God to show me the path that I should take.

Prayed, closed the Bible and blue journal and went to bed.


The next night, two days ago now,

I sat on that same barstool at the kitchen counter,

later than I should’ve been,

and prayed.

First I read Matthew 5-7,

which got me thinking about Psalm 119,

the verse where it says

“How can a young man keep his way pure? By walking according to your word.”

So I started to turn the pages in that direction and was almost there when I saw, starred, highlighted, circled.

That verse I learned in preschool.

“Your Word is a lamp unto my feet,

and a light unto my path.”

And then it all clicked for me-

how could I have missed this, this verse I have known since a young age?

God’s word- the holy, infallible Word, inspired by God and totally true-

This Word gives the answers.

For the Word, CHRIST, was with God, in Him is LIGHT,

light unto my path.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

loads of blessings (and fun)

329. Lifting the canoe

(we transferred it into the garage, and had fun doing it!)




crazy girls!

330. cooking in our new aprons!


331. the boy shoveling… and loving it! Watching him was so much fun!


just like daddy… hat and all!



332. His red shovel… :)


333. walking in the field/road/flopped-subdivision-plot across the road






334. quilts


335. The Resurrection Garden


Well, that’s my week!



check it out…

Hello friends!

I’ve been trying to update my blog and add some new features to it, and here it is!

I have added a few things:

- Music List page with songs you can listen to

- merged the Verses and Quotes Page

- updated the Bookshelves (and still am… there is always more books to add! :) )

- added and organized the Link List

feel free to check them out by following the links!



Saturday, April 16, 2011

weekends are for…



2 Months

in the new house!

May your weekend be filled with joy!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Flying Fabric and Slicing Scissors

My goodness how the time flies!

I had planned on writing about this last week, but completely forgot!

A few weeks ago, Mamo, our grandma from up north, came down to visit us in our new house. We asked if she would help us make aprons, and she said of course!

So with her help, our living room and kitchen became the Sewing Center of the Universe.


Three sewing machines,

two tables,

and an ironing board.

Plus the kitchen table with the cutting board and fabric laid out.

And let’s not forget the snack bar!

We started off good and strong at 9 am. Scissors flew and rotary cutters smoked we worked them so hard.

Papa called to check in, and seeing it was him on the caller ID, I picked up with a voice as cheery and store-like I could manage,

“Northern Sewing Center! Kaye speaking! How can I help you?”

I totally caught him off guard, and we both got laughing so hard we couldn’t talk!

R and Mom went to story hour and we cruised through the pattern, pieces slowly coming together…





After a funny reversing situation and a few machine malfunctions, we were ready for some good tunes and snacks, so L cranked up the Narnia Soundtrack and I opened the pretzels.

By about noon we were hungry so stopped for a brief lunch. We couldn’t help but be happy and smile at the piles of fabric that were slowly becoming adorable reversible aprons.


By 3, we had them all finished and paused for a photo shoot by the fireplace, boy and dog included.


Later that week, me, Mamo, and Miranda were home while L and R went with Mom to a class. During that time, we both had time to make aprons for friend’s of ours whose birthdays were coming up.

M made hers for Z, her ‘other half’ whom we all adore and count as one of the family.

When Z came over for dinner, I grabbed the girls and snapped this picture of them in their aprons…



Too cute!

Thank you so much Mamo for helping us with those aprons! We LOVE you!


(and the rest of the crew too :) )

Monday, April 11, 2011

blessings discovered


Out of order blessings discovered throughout the week…

313. heat washing over my face from an open oven

314. the first smell of rain of the season

315. the wreath on our table


306. playing baseball until dark- just the giggles I got watching the boy and M smack balls across the field… too funny!





308. Bonnie helping me to start building my library by bringing books!

309. the dozens of patterns scattered across the floor of my room for quilt blocks all finding a spot in a binder…organized!

325. digging dirt with my fingers, and having dirt stuck under my nails… SPRING!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Weekends are for Rest

“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28




DSC01945Under a blanket,

under the clouds,

in front of a really cool story,

or out in the woods,

may you answer His call to come and rest this weekend~

joyful blessings abound in Him-
