Saturday, July 14, 2012

Praises and Prayers from the Pilgrim’s Progress





Oh what a thrilling couple of weeks!

The play my family is currently a part of has launched into its dress rehearsals, and we are busy finishing up costumes and laughing hard and enjoying 2 whole weeks with some of the most amazing, God-glorifying people around.

We do have a few prayer requests (and praises!) as we go into performance week if you wouldn’t mind lifting us up?

- Praise! All costumes are nearly finished! Sets are almost done!

- Praise for the hard work of our director! She has been incredible these last weeks, and amidst joy, minor complications, the heat, and 35 cast members, has shone the Light of Christ every day. Please lift her up as we enter performance week!

- Prayer for the audience to be receptive and awakened to the sweet gospel of Christ that is so clearly presented in the production. Also, please pray for the audience’s endurance in the heat of July.


Thank you, friends!

May you have a wonderfully blessed week!


Thursday, July 5, 2012

New Neighbors :)


I am so thrilled to tell you that construction has begun next door! The lot sold a month ago, and our family was a bit bummed to be losing the open grass next door, but on meeting the new owners, we realized how totally amazing it is going to be having them for neighbors, as they are super sweet people.

As the machines rolled in, Mom ran up to get R out of bed. Here’s a picture of him last night, but I thought it pretty much depicted his face on seeing the diggers this morning. :)


He is so thrilled that a “Snort” (from Dr. Seuss’ Are You My Mother? book) has begun to dig out the hole for the foundation.


Who needs TV when there’s diggers and Bobcats to be seen out your sliding glass door??


Stay cool today, friends!


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Painting the Laundry Room


When we moved into our house nearly a year and a half ago, every single wall was either a neutral beige color or a simple brown. This was a bit of a change. The house we moved from in the city was many times more colorful than the beige: we had purple, blue, orange, green, and pink on the main level, and blue and brown in the basement. My mom and dad worked really hard when we moved in to get some color back into our home. So far, we’ve done two bedrooms, the kitchen, and the staircase walls all in some beautiful colors. I came home from play practice to find a beautiful surprise and a very happy mom.


An orange laundry room! How amazing is this??

My dad rocks- he put up shelves and painted while we were all running around that morning.

Now, the laundry room is not only much much sweeter, but thoroughly functional as well!





We hung a 2” wooden dowel along the hooks on the shelves, making more space for us to hang dry our clothes. It looks so charming!




We are all just a tad bit in love with the laundry room right now :)

and how could you not be? :)

