Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I was supposed to be doing algebra...

I was supposed to be doing algebra.
I had it all out there with me- the book, the notebook to write answers in, a calculator and a pencil too.

This is as far as I got.

because when warm sunshine and an early morning mix...

sometimes that blue chair in the sun is simply too wonderful to resist

and when you have a puppy dog to keep you company...

what could be better?

enjoying the warm sunshine over here

The Mighty One, God, the LORD, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets...
Psalm 50:1

(kaye ann silver)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wednesday Wanderings

"Be still and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations.
I will be exalted in the earth."

Psalm 46:10

Blessings on a Fall Tuesday

Went out for a walk this afternoon to think and pray. Just me and my dog. At the last minute the camera tagged along too.

For up here, the colors now simply burst and scream of the Creator who made them all.

"And the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye..."
Genesis 2:9

And as I walked and saw and snapped, I noticed that one tree that always turns early. Always bright and beautiful while the rest of the world is still covered with green.

This is the one you can see coming down the hill, right there sitting at the bottom- a beautiful display in the fall and a sledding hazard come the snows of winter.

I walk up to it, and walk slowly under its branches then attempt the impossible-

to breathe in the breathtaking.

"Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy; they will sing before the Lord, for He comes..."
Psalm 96:12-13

Walking under that tree, seeing its color and how it sings of its creator with nothing but pure colors just makes me stand in awe of He who created it.

Blessings in the leafy season...


the colors of fall

the tree

apple crisp turned apple caramel cement

Extreme Makeover Home Edition and the laughter it brings

the rooster

the green walls in my Mom's kitchen

reading The Heavenly Man (soon to be on my book list page... the amazing story of a man who endured everything for Christ)

my new daily thought reading- A Year with C.S. Lewis

(kaye ann silver)

Friday, September 24, 2010


I had to smile when I heard. I couldn't help but be excited.

Some of my favorite people ever were coming for dinner.

And I couldn't wait.

They came bustling in from a busy day at the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit, all smiles, and laughter and there was pizza lining countertops and plates flying every which way.

He prayed and you could feel and smell and hear His spirit sweep through the room and I bowed my head in awe of this man who spoke with His words.

We all sat in our little dining area and dreamed as a family of bigger space to come, farming, and stories not told since long times past. We sat there as large family, three generations sitting in the same 14 by 6 foot area. And I was speechless.

We toured the newly reorganized and staged city cottage of ours. They grinned happy at my sister's and mines bright room, laughed at the couch that sucks you in, and just were there.

I sat with her for a half hour or more, just listening to the stories she told all shining and wonderful, of how a 70 year old lady like her could still change the world. Of the 160 quilts her church quilting group sent over seas, and how they pray over each and every one.

Of the bags she makes out of denim for the kids going to the first days of school of their lives in Africa, and how she loves to sit in her sewing room and watch HGTV while stitching.

Of how she loves to make quilts out of old jeans, and how none of the fabric she uses on her quilts for the quilt group are ever purchased, but donated and meant for a purpose. I could see the boxes of scraps of her fabric told to be sitting in her closet and how she could tell you what she made out of each one.

She gave me sewing tips and wowed at the quilts our Mamo had made lying vibrant across all our beds, and the clothes sister had figured out for her dolls.

She laughed at her sister Joyce and her getting in trouble when they were girls for hollowing out a round loaf of Molly bread, then leaving the crust hollow like an old log in the bag. How she hadn't thought of that in years.

Of trips to the library for her mother, of Anne of Green Gables and her favorite styles of houses, of how when she was a girl they made all their own clothes and hardly had anything new to wear because of their poverty, and what a joy it was to recieve an Easter dress every year.

How if she ever had a little black scotty dog she would name him Angus.

And what she said when walking out the door. "You have a beautiful family. Keep on keeping on."

Thank you, Great Uncle Duane and Great Aunt Jan, for blessing us with your laughter and love last night. I loved every minute of it!

"I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you."
Genesis 17:7

(kaye ann silver)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Word by Sarah Groves

for if you are having a rainy day...

The Word by Sarah Groves

(if you can't see it in your email, go to my blog...

on a rainy day


It isn't always the most wonderful thing to look at, to wake up to.

Sometimes it just plain stinks.

puddles, drops, mud

And when the weather is grey and you have a hard day,

it really stinks.

I am forever grateful for the promises of His words that keep me up above the heavy rains on days like these.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
 and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart,
 and you will find rest for your souls.
 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30

"Be still and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted among the earth..."
Psalm 46:10

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord,
"He is my refuge,
He is my fortress,
my God in whom I trust."
Psalm 91:1

Praise the Lord!
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good!
His love endures forever!
Psalm 106:1
Even on rainy days

(kaye ann silver)

The Word by Sara Groves
(if you can't see it in your email, go to my blog to watch it)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Psalm 118:23-24

The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes.
This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:23-24

(kaye ann silver)

every wednesday I will be posting a scripture that stuck out to me this week in my daily devos

Monday, September 20, 2010

Blessings on a Brisk Monday

The morning started off slow.

Mom gently waking us all up, us all slowly emerging from under the warm quilts and up the stairs to a warm breakfast of pannekoeken, which made the getting up all the more wonderful.

The books sat staring at us from the table, and we all sat down in our spots to start working on this Monday in September.

Checked of subjects on the planner one by one... devos, chemistry, geography, math...

a nice quiet day after a busy weekend filled with exciting new things.

Crisp apples disappear from the table and chocolates from the jar on the shelf. Tastes of the sweet and the apple orchard make us laugh.

I pick up my room just to be sure, should someone drop in to see the house, and I smile at the cool breeze coming in through the open window.

What's not to love about a quiet day in the fall?


crisp apples

cool breezes smelling of fall

pannekoeken! (recipe to follow...)

doing well in chemistry

emails from a friend learning to be a nurse

a strong christian realtor

praying over the house

dreaming big!

writing in cursive with a good pen

the bright flowers in my room

chairs on my windowsill from our realtor

the Lord bless you and may you laugh today!

(kaye ann silver)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Moving Adventures, Act #1

Today started and ended the beginning of the latest adventure-


After 17 years in the same house, my parents have prayed and us siblings have prayed and we decided that now is the time to move on to bigger footage and maybe more space to run.

And what fun it's been!

Many thanks to all of our family, our move this far has gone so smoothly! Everyone on all sides have helped by cleaning, boxing things up, bringing in granite and food and prayers.

Today started out fast with a cleaning of the house with grandparents graciously vacumming and dusting every inch of our house and all us younger generation following with dusters and sprays.

And with a surprise visit by dear friends, it made the day perfectly joyful! We took a little break and laughed as scooters raced around the drive and careened down hills.

Then with the help of all grandpas and daddy and me tagging along too we created the latest portable piano music...

...out the door and all the way across our front yard...

...using boards and little sisters arm strength...

... and smiling with joy at finally cinching it down and locking up the trailer full of all our blessings...

and we laughed.

(kaye ann silver)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Rejoicing in His Creation

Just a few pictures to enjoy...

enjoying the beauty of His creation on this fine day up here... and remembering the wonderful times spent at the conservatory this summer.

"How many are your works, O Lord!
In wisdom you made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures...
May the glory of the Lord endure forever;
may the  Lord rejoice in his works-
 Psalm 104:24, 31

Friday, September 10, 2010

just todays thoughts

Days of warm sunshine and cool breezes, days of bare feet pounding the floor and lemonade on the back porch are giving way to the brisk sweet days.

Days of apple picking and sticky sweet smiles. Days of tennis shoes and hoodies up. Of leaves and walks in the early dusk with family.

And I smile wide because these are the days of fall. The fleeting days when the air is cool-but not cold. And windy-but not stinging wind.

The few sweeping days of cool air and new books and beautiful sunshine.

(smiling today as I think about our adventure to the ranch last year)

(kaye ann silver)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A group of some of my favorite bloggers are in Guatemala right  now with Compassion International. They have some stories that will make your heart break, and smile, at the same time.

(her blog for today will make you cry! I loved her story!)

Please keep them in your prayers as they continue to serve the Lord through helping the Compassion project in Guatemala City!

In Christ,
Kaye Ann Silver

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Glimpse of History

This weekend we took the long drive down to the place where our family's name is known and where our roots sink deep into history.

When my great grandparents of long ago left Germany for a new life in the United States, they moved to Iowa.

A few cities in Iowa hold family to us. Two with my grandma's history, another area with my grandfather's. This trip was to visit my grandmother's area of Iowa.

This weekend, a cousin of my dad was married in a church that means something to important to our family.

This church is church my grandma grew up going to, and the same church where my grandparents were married.

I don't know about you, but learning about my history- where I come from- means a lot to me.

The wedding was beautiful. She sparkled in her dress, and he was as happy as could be.

After the ceremony while we were standing outside, what made me smile the most was meeting my two great-great aunts, who still look stunningly beautiful.
And as we stood outside and I watched the cars of now family roll on to the reception hall, I couldn't help but think what a large family we had.

But how much larger is the family of believers linked through the saving grace of Christ. And what a tremendous blessing and priviledge it is to be related to all those who are committed to Christ.

How amazing it was to speak with relatives of my Silver family.

But even more how wonderful it will be to one day sit at a table in heaven with all of us worshiping the one who deserves all the glory for this family and the generations to come.
(kaye ann silver)