Thursday, May 27, 2010

to my dad

Hey there Dad.
just thought to send you a quick note.
i hope your day goes well
and that everyone behaves tonight.
You'll do great!
i'm praying for you!
love you lots!

You keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts you.
Isaiah 26:3

And the peace of God
which transcends all understanding
will guard your hearts and your minds
in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and
do not be afraid."
John 14:27

Monday, May 24, 2010

Movies to Make Your Day

If you can't view the video in your email, go to my blog to view it!
I love spontaneous outbursts of song!

A spontaneous song in the train station...

A spontaneous song in the grocery store...

you've gotta love it!

Blessings in the Heat...

I woke up this morning to the thumping of a happy tail on my bed, a boy whispering good morning, and sunlight in the window. Sauntering upstairs, I stop shocked as I hear M say, "Yeah... it's already 80 degrees."

In the kitchen Mom confirms the report- 92 for a high that will feel like 100.
It's May 24th. I'm not ready for this heat yet.
A few hours later, I glance at the clock on the wall.
I look out the window at the thermometer still tucked away in the shade, and gasp.
90 degrees.
In the shade.
At noon.
I shake my head.
Crazy weather.

But there are blessings to be found in the heat of... May? :)

324. waking up at 9 this morning after a great weekend at TLC
325. playing in the pool at 10...

326. A cardinal on the electrical line
327. a great weekend with Hannah L.
328. all the new MATs up at camp and their enthusiasm and excitement
329. Mr. Rock's funny stories about working at camp
330. coming home tired
331. dozing in the car
332. my dad (and the van) being all right  :)
333. the smell of the cabin
334. notes from Mamo
335. eating dinner in the boathouse
336. the sound of a redwing blackbird
337. the heat...
338. Sarah, Plain and Tall books


The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed , a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.
Psalm 9:9-10

Monday, May 17, 2010


Always we have something to be thankful for. Like Ann says, all He asks for is gratitude.
310. my exploded closet
311. chemistry books that confuse me
312. quilt blocks that shrunk
313. Mamo who had the solution to my shrinking quilt blocks.
314. daddy spending time trying to figure out chemistry for me
315. the organized room that resulted from my exploded closet
316. pizza crust and happy tummys
317. rechargeable batteries
318. prom pictures of my friends
319. hanging laundry
320. weeding the garden
321. dreaming of vegetables to come
323. TROUT LAKE CAMP this weekend!!

Have a blessed start to your week!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rainy Days Once Again

Well, I am done with the rain.
I didn't want to get out of bed this morning.
My bed was too warm and the sky too gray.

But good news comes even on rainy days.
Mamo and Papa and their 2700 trees all planted and stomped,
paperwork completed coming in the mail,
hummus and chips in the kitchen,
last day of school!!!!

Yep, even rainy days can be fun.
J and T-man over this afternoon,
Ms. Patty here for piano,
watching Skylark, the sequel to Sarah, Plain and Tall,
taking pictures of the outdoors...

Have a blessed day!

pictures: chestnut tree, patio block, and our road in the rain

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day~

To all mom's who read my blog...

"First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you (moms :) ), because your faith is proclaimed in all the world."
Romans 1:8

Happy Mother's Day to you all!

To my mom: thank you so much for all you do for me. School, food, driving me around, letting me drive :), and encouraging me. You are an awesome lady and I love you so much. The last year has been fun and hard and I am so glad that you were there to help me through some decisions and that you were always praying for me. I love you to the moon!
Happy Mothers Day!

To my grandmas: You both have taught me so much about gardens, and music, and sewing, and the list goes on and on! I love you both so much and thank the Lord for blessing me with two amazing grandmas who love me. I love you!
Happy Mothers Day!


photos: the cross on our table surrounded in Marigolds, flowers in our garden

Saturday, May 8, 2010

1942 Minnesota Movie

I got the MN movie on my blog if you want to see it!
If you get this in your email and don't see the video, click here to go to my blog to see it!


1942 Minnesota Movie

I go to my email and smile to find one from my Mamo.
There's a link to a movie on Minnesota filmed in 1942! I was so excited to watch that I clicked on it and watched as it told in 10 minutes all of the great things about Minnesota in 1942.

The outfits are great, the cars are awesome, and the history you never knew about MN is even better.

To watch this great 10 minute film, click here!

Mamo said it best in her email: "My, how times have changed!"

I would like to go back in time and see MN back then. The great state of 11,842 lakes... and the most beautiful state, if you ask me. :)

Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Blessings this Friday

Blessings abound this Friday...


Pictures of Hollis Woods dvd

late night laughter with L and M

L's homemade peanut butter cookies

stopping to remember to take out one more plate 'cause there's six of us now

Dad's travel stories about Sri Lanka, China, and India

wearing prairie skirts, sweatshirts, fuzzy socks, and clogs :)

the happy thwock of a well hit tennis ball

talking to Jay-man about his school

R coming up to me and asking, "How's your life?"

Shan graduating this weekend! Congrats!!


Little People scattered around our living room

sunsets after a rain

talking photography with L and M

the amazing clouds that God created

Thursday, May 6, 2010

our day today

from the table
as the wind whips
pencils fly
papers flutter
and books bounce

buses careen across the floor
tractors block sports cars
a little boy smiles
at the traffic jam
in our living room

mouse clicks
screen flashes
This Day in History
learn and explore pages
flash across the screen
and dance before blue eyes

coffee beans spin
little boy calls "Coffee time!"
from the living room
pot hisses and drips
mom smiles at the two empty bags
free coffee coming soon

blender whirs
dough spins swiftly around the bowl
shouts of joy from around the house
as sauce and cheese appear on the counter
"homemade pizza for lunch!"

games move homes
shifting from shelf to shelf
and textbooks take their place
as we finish out the year

phone rings
all pause to see who
dad's voice from school
smiling across the phone lines
and we smile back

our day today

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Views Of Our Skies

views from our yard
as one storm passes,
the sun sets,
more clouds creep in

and me and my sisters
shiver outside
snapping pictures
as fast as our fingers
can push
and our cameras
can click

blue sky shimmers
teasing us!
little sisters point
eager to see
the few spaces of blue

trees sway
clouds move
and we smile
as the wind
carries cool wisps
of smooth gray clouds
back to where
they started

finally with a content sigh
the sun slowly sinks
leaving behind rays
yellow pink and orange
that make us dash
into the silent street
to catch those moments
of smiling sunshine

may the Lord
bless you and keep you
through all
content sighs
 in your walk of life


Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.
Psalm 77:13-14

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Christian Alliance for Orphans

This week me and my mom were blessed to be able to go to the Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit VI in Minneapolis.
What an amazing couple of days!

Thursday night, Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife, Mary Beth, spoke about their story of adoption and life, then Steven led a worship service that had us all in tears. We met so many fun people who get adoption and our crazy family!

Last night, Pastor John Piper spoke an amazing message to us all, calling us to live our lives by faith. It was another one of those that had you in tears at the end. I loved watching him preach. He is so excited by the gospel, and it is so good to see!

Something I learned:
Did you know:
There are 143,000,000 orphans in the world.
Many of them are looking for adoption and a forever family.
Others need our prayers and support more than anything.

There was a family there that my mom and I met that are trying to adopt three kids out of Russia. They had two kids of their own and have since adopted 7 kids- 6 from Russia and 1 right here in the US. They are asking for prayer that their adoption papers would go through so that they can get this one girl who is 15 out of Russia before she is 16. Why? Because in Russian orphanages, when you turn 16, they literally take you and dump you in the big city, where it is virtually impossible to get out of the country from.

Please pray for them.

One of the things that I love about Steven Curtis Chapman is his music videos. He showed this one at the conference and made us all cry. This video was the one that stirred my parents to look into adopting and I know has encouraged so many others too.  Every time I see this video I think of my brother, my sister's best friend who's adopted from Korea, and my best friend who's adopted from Russia. Makes me cry!

To see the amazing Steven Curtis Chapman video about adoption that will make you cry- guaranteed-  click here.

God Bless!
Kaye Ann

This Weekend

This weekend
may the Lord bless you
keep you safe
make you laugh
enjoy good company
and good food
with friends
and Him.
