Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Permit Test

So today I woke up, excited and nervous at the same time. As Lauraine Snelling (one of my favorite authors) put it, my butterflies were up earlier than me. Today was my last day for drivers ed in the classroom and right after I went to get my permit.
I made my lunch, said see ya later! to my sisters, and headed out the door. Mom drove me there and said see you soon! then I went in.
The first half of the class seemed to drag on and on as a speaker told us about motorcyle safety. When lunch time came around, I was pretty much out of my mind with anxiety. Would I pass the test? Did I study everything?
As I ate my PB&J and chips with three chocolate chip cookies to help me out, I prayed hard. "O Lord, help me help me help me! I'm as nervous as all get out and really would like to pass this test so I could get my permit today. Please be with me."
Students filed in, all chattering and laughing after lunch. I sat at my desk, staring at my driver's manual and still praying like crazy.
Everyone settled down and Mr. P passed out the last test. As mine dropped on the table in front of me, I placed my name at the top and stared.
The first question. It didn't make any sense! What was that? Where had I missed that? I pondered quietly. Someone who was braver than me raised his hand.
"What's the first question mean?" a chorus of similair ones followed. Deep sigh. Phew. Wasn't just me!
The rest of the test passed quickly, and we started to grade it. I peeked at the score my neighbor was highlighting at the top of my paper.
I wanted to jump up and laugh and whoop! I had passed!
Those beautiful little blue slips came around. One had my name on it. Yes! Thank you Lord!
I ran out to the car, waving my slip triumphantly. Who cared about the real permit test I was about to take at the lisencing center? God got me through that, he can work me through this.
I practically ran into the center, eager to get the test done. I sat at my computer, pushed the start button. As the test came suddenly to a halt, I wanted to jump up again.
Even better than the one I took at the classroom part! Thank you Jesus!
Much relieved and quite tired, I walked up and handed the nice gentleman my papers, had my picture taken, and went home with a new yellow sheet in my pocket.
Yes! Thank you, Lord for helping me through my permit tests!


Monday, March 22, 2010

Blessings of Memories

As this week starts up again, I again take a trip through my memories that I have in my room.
I remember that one time or this one little thing, and I smile.
How good the Lord has been through all my years here on earth!
And how much He continues to bless me with daily!

232. R's belly laugh
233. M's giggle
234. L's patience with me as I talk on and on and on late at night :)
235. reading at night with Daddy

236. the first quilt ever created by Mamo and me... 
It still keeps me warm on my bed on top of my fish quilt

237. The box that Mamo made me in 1998, not long after Lily was born. I was four and loved baby dolls, and she surprised me with a whole box full of beautiful homemade dresses for my baby doll. Now it holds all of my baby-toddler memories.

239. the cloth that was on my bed cover when I was little.... I just love this!
240. my Mom's yummy homemade pizza dough
241. paper and glue securing project boards for the project fair
242. my PLAN test coming in!
243. opera music while we clean
244. worship at church with my family
245. plants growing
246. wearing a wind-breaker instead of a winter coat
247. getting my permit on Wednesday!!! Pray for my dad... :)
248. Haiti pictures that make me realize how selfish I am
249. The Incredibles movie and popcorn

Go with God!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Technical Difficulties...

I am slightly frustrated since I can't figure out how to put a subscription link on my blog like Holy Experience and Grace Cottage.
So I decided to do this instead-
If you would like to recieve my blog posts in your email and you know my personal email, please please please let me know and I will forward them to you on a regular basis.


Monday, March 15, 2010


This week has started off well, with a wonderful sermon by Pastor Jon on sunday to a great day outside with my sisters.

So I will count my blessings...
217. funny pictures with my friends
218. warm weather to bike ride in
219. snow melting
220. small little green blades of grass peeping up through the mud
221. Mom's plants starting to show up
222. warm sunshine on a back porch
223. Bright Lights with Rachel
224. cleaning house and dancing with M
225. white hyacinthus smelling up the house!
226. mud
227. transplanting little daisie sprout
228. L and her enthusiasm in the garden
229.  sending in my Trout Lake application!!
230. M sleeping better!!
231. PERFECT PEACE (see bottom verse)

I love you, Hannah and promise not to post this picture too many times! :) It makes me smile...
Have a blessed and Kingdom oriented week!
Kaye Ann Silver
Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalm 73: 25-26

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts you.
Isaiah 26:3

Blessings of Friends

Here are a few more pictures from the party a week ago....
Lisa and Kelsey

 oh Hannah~ :)

Hannah L. and Me
Betsy and Jos

Here are some more pictures for you all to enjoy!
Doesn't everyone look wonderful?
Thanks for wearing skirts, ladies!

It's been a week since the birthday tea and I am still thinking about it a lot! I find myself remembering this conversation, or that funny comment, or re-reading the blessings for the fiftieth time.
These are my friends who I know that I can never ever replace and this week I am very thankful for all of them!


The grass withers and flowers fall, but the word of our Lord stands forever.
Isaiah 40:8

Friday, March 12, 2010

Worlds Apart

This is another one of those videos that makes me want to cry... I love this song by Jars of Clay... enjoy the music video.

Again, if you aren't able to see the video in your email, access my blog here to see it.
God Bless!

Everything Skit Video

Hey there...
I love this skit. It shows so well the love of the Lord throughout all of our failures and falls, and how in the end, He WILL be there.
PS- if you get this in your email and the video doesn't pop up, go to my blog by clicking here to watch it

Monday, March 8, 2010


From the tea cups passed down from my great grandpa Lillian Conrad to my new box "Made With Love" from my Papa to start new traditions and heirlooms, there are many new blessings as I start out another year on this earth.

201. a box made with love and full of blessings from my dear friends and family...
202. tea cups passed down to the next generation...
                          This cup and saucer was willed tome by your great, great grandmother, Lillian Conrad. I felt honored to have recieved it from her and thought on this special birthday I would share and pass that honor on to you.
All my love-
Aunt Noelle
203. learning about the Civilian Conservation Corps and loving it
204. oranges on the counter
205. late nights watching Lord of the Rings with Dad
206. Dad's popcorn... I don't know how, but he makes THE BEST popcorn!
207. L's calls about dresses she made and coyotes howling up north  (she's braver than me... if I had heard those coyotes calling, I would've dove under the bed!)
208. Daily Light on the Daily Path book by the Samuel Bagster Family
209. having a warm quilt to snuggle up in late at night
210. My Mom and how she knows me
211. M's sense of humor
212. warm slippers on my feet
213. the smell of wood varnish on my new box
214. pizza with the Wellmans after a long but wonderful day!
215. talking to Kelsey and Lisa
216. R in his Dinosaur hat... makes me laugh!

May your day be blessed and the Lord guide you in all you do!
Kaye Ann Silver

Under Construction...

Hey there!
Just a warning...
My blog is under construction...
So the colors won't be the same for a few days...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weekends are for Partys!

This weekend my family and friends all blessed me with a Jane Austen Tea Party to celebrate my 16th birthday and it was fantastic! The whole thing was so well put together, and I was so happy to have everyone there! The picture on top is one of my favorites of the whole day. All of my family and friends getting together and having a good time was amazing and I loved every minute of it.

Thank you all who were there! I loved seeing all of you and thank you again for your blessings and prayers! I have them all in the box my Grandpa Baker made for me so that I can pull them out and read them when I need to.
Thank you to everyone who brought food! Everything was perfectly scrumptious and tasty. Perfect!
Thank you to everyone who came early to set up!
Thank you COG for letting us use the building!
Thank you Mom and Dad for everything you did to make the day wonderful! Love you!

My Mamo stood up and shared this with us all, and I wanted to post it because it really describes... well, me.

I had an early run in the woods before the dew was off the grass. The moss was like velvet, and as I ran under the arches of yeallow and red leaves I sang for joy, my heart was so bright and the world so beautiful. I stopped at the end of the walk... a very strange and solemn feeling came over me as I stood there, with no sound but the rustle of the pines, no one near me, and the sun so glorious, as for me alone. It seemed as if I felt God as I never did before, and I prayed with my heart that I might keep that happy sense of nearness in my life.
~ Louisa May Alcott

Dear Lord, I pray that you would bless everyone at the party yesterday ten times what they blessed me. Be with them today and forever, help them to draw nearer to you, and not be afraid to do what they are called to. Thank you for blessing me with friends and family who love me even in my tough days. Thank you for who you are, and how you have worked through ordinary people. Thank you, Lord, for a wonderful day yesterday.
In Jesus' Name,
