Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Eve

Lighting the Luminaries...
Bug... love her...
I love that we always have a great and fun Christmas Eve at our house. I love that Bug was walking around in the house like the picture above... singing Christmas carols... watching It's a Wonderful Life... eating too much food... lighting luminaries around the front walkway... Christmas... Kaye

Christmas Eve Eve

Christmas Tree
my crazy daddy wearing my brother's camo pants on his head to make R laugh
Singing Hymns by candlelight Okay... So I'm a little late on the Christmas Eve Eve...
I love the days leading up to Christmas as much as the day itself. Christmas Eve Eve... What a blessing... Kaye


On the 26th we went to my grandpa and granny's house for Christmas. I love this picture of our whole clan of cousins. It is so cool to be able to have such a sweet time with my cousins and sisters at Christmas. Food and presents and talking and all of the great things that accompany Christmas at Granny and Grandpa's. God is good. Kaye

New Years Happiness

Okay- I have a few goals for this new year of 2010 that starts tomorrow. I was wondering if you had any as well. I know that I find it kind of hard to have resolutions, so I prefer to call them goals. Here are a few of mine: ~ learn how to make homemade jelly ~have a few plants of my own in the garden come summer ~read 10 new books (that new part is hard for me since I usually find myself rereading rather than exploring new books) ~finish that red and blue t-shirt quilt (darn it I can never find time or the umph to do it) So yeah. Those are a few of my goals. Oh- a good friend of mine has a couple of goats and chickens and such, and well, I know nothing of the sort of raising any kind of farm animals. So I think that I am at least going to try and learn how to milk a goat or cow, and feed chickens and whatnot. Maybe you could help me, HL? See Ya and Happy New Year!!! ...2010... man, I'm getting old... Kaye

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tis the Season

Tis the Season for...
Snow forts in the yard...
shoveling snow...
warm tea and honey (although i prefer cocoa)...
Cross stiching...
(i was so excited that i actually finished a counting one!)
board games at night...
Merry Christmas!

christmas is just a few days away!!

~*~*~*~*~*~ CHRISTMAS IS COMING~*~*~*~*~*~
and i am as excited as my 9 year old sister!
The real reason for the season...
light up trees from Grandpa W Stars in the yard... What a great year it has been! I can hardly believe that it is already the 22nd! ~3 days until Christmas~ HOORAY! I am so excited that tomorrow is Christmas Eve Eve. If you've ever seen Eloise at Christmas time, that's where it comes from. Chrismas Eve at our house is such fun:

orderves of pigs in a blanket, pickels, potato skins, and ice cream; It's A Wonderful Life in black and white; hot cocoa by the Christmas tree; and candlelight Christmas service at COG


Friday, December 11, 2009

Books, Books, Books...I LOVE BOOKS!

Don't you love the sound of paper rustling? Pages flipping... the warm, homey smell of a new book... HEAVEN! So, I am here to recommend a few books for any age that really are so cool, I can hardly stand it. To make it easier, I'll categorize them~ Books for Everyone~
  1. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain- amazing book for the whole family! I would only recommend reading Tom Sawyer first since it introduces the characters
  2. Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain- awesome book about being a kid
  3. Little Britches and other books by Ralph Moody- my dad has been reading this series out loud to our family for a year now and I love them! My favorite is Little Britches, the first one. The rest are really good too, but I love the first two the best.
  4. Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder- the best stories... love Laura!

Books Recommended for Ladies~

  1. A Promise for Ellie by Lauraine Snelling- awesome book for young ladies as is the third in the series-
  2. Grace Above All by Lauraine Snelling- my favorite story! About a girl who's deaf but overcomes it
  3. Rules of the Road by Joan Bauer- unique story about a girl who spends the summer driving the president of a shoe company to Texas to save the day!
  4. Hope was Here by Joan Bauer- a young lady and her aunt are working in a classic diner and helping a man with cancer... awesome awesome awesome!!! My favorite by Joan Bauer

Books for People 13 and Up~

(Please note that these aren't inappropriate, just more advanced in the way they're written)

  1. The Big Burn by Jeannette Ingold- I LOVE THIS BOOK! about the great fire that consumed the west, told from a pioneer lady, a ranger, and a railroad worker.
  2. Stand Tall by Joan Bauer- about a 6'5" 7th grade boy and his plans to reconfigure his life after his parents divorce. Floods, friends, and an awesome grandpa make this book so cool.
  3. Pictures of Hollis Woods by Patricia Reilly Giff- about a young girl in the foster care system and her adotion- fiction, and funny
  4. Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie- my favorite book by Agatha Christie, so funny! I love detective novels, and this one just sucked me right in!\
  5. Hitch by Jeannette Ingold- a young boy joins the CCC...and loves it.
  6. The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini- includes Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, and the last book whose name has not yet been revealed! my favorite of all favorite series to read over and over

I hope that you enjoy looking into these books!



Advent Shadows

This picture is one of my favorites. This tree and candle sit on our kitchen table, and my mom suggested that I take a picture of it. Quiet and serene and peaceful and sweet... kind of like my life: quiet...serene...truck noises...peaceful...calls echoing around the music... yummy christmas treats...sweet... ~~~ I so want to sound eloquent, like Ann at Holy Experience is so eloquent and just right. Like one of my best friends, S, over at Grace Cottage. But as much as I try... I have difficulty. Like Moses said to God, in Exodus 4:10-11 "O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue." I love God's response. The Lord said to him, "Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord?" So, as I have nothing else I can think of to talk about, I will now post this and go help make meatballs. Kaye

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The First Snow

The First Snow of the Year! What fun! We've gotten around 5-6 inches of snow!
Trees in the snow...
a day to do 1000 piece puzzles...
and the last leaf to fall.
Very cool! What fun it is to have snow on the ground! It really makes winter and Christmas seem more real and able to happen when there's snow.
Our Christmas tree, the snow, warm slippers, puzzles and sloppy joes for dinner.
a good day.
With the little dude running all over and talking in sentences, it is fun to listen to him. Today he came up to me and said, "Hi how are you I'm good that's good see ya call ya now." (he was carrying a fake phone). How right!
Hi! How are you? I'm good. That's good. See ya! Call you later!
what a fun life.

Monday, December 7, 2009


"Afghanistan is no stranger to struggle. The Soviet invasion in 1978 brought about disaster, but their pull-out a decade later did not bring peace. When the Communists lost power, Muslims took their place and engaged in a civil war- an Islamic jahid, or holy war- which degenerated into a cruel contest for religious and political supremacy between Islamic factions. The Afghani people are now left to pick up the shattered pieces of their lives. The current Taliban leadership set up stringent rules- women are no longer allowed to attend school or hold jobs, and men must adhere to a strict Islamic code in which they all have beards. Non-muslims are denied freedom of assembly," (like church) "and open profession of of faith in Chirst among refugees has often led to death. Christians make up only 1/100 of 1 percent of the population. There are still 88 unreached people groups in this nation." ~ from Jesus Freaks: Martyrs Prayer Requests:
  • for the leaders of the Taliban: that there would be, somehow and someway, a Christian there to help them see the light and freedom offered by Christ
  • for those who are oppressed and restricted from gathering legally for church or Bible study
  • for the 88 unreached people groups, that they too would see the saving, redeeming light of Christ and put their faith in Him
  • for the 1/100 of 1 percent of the population that are Christians, saved by grace. Pray for boldness and peace in times of trial, and growth spiritually. For their numbers to multiply daily, and more to be freed for bondage and brought to freedom in Christ.
  • for those who are being held because of their faith in Afghanistan

Kaye Ann Silver

Pray for the Persecuted

I just finished reading this book by dcTalk and it is simply amazing.
It has hundreds of true stories about people who gave it all for Christ.
At the end of the book, there was an index of the different countries that are restricted to Christians (Bibles not legal, churches against the law, etc.) I was astonished at the number of countries listed. There are 47 nations listed as either hostile or restricted nations against Christianity. Under the name of each country is a brief history and a prayer request. Pray for the Persecuted is a little thing I am going to start here on my blog. Every other week, I'll post a blog on Monday for acountry to pray for. Lord, I am amazed at all that you have blessed me with. Not just the material things, but the freedoms I have in this country that I often take for granted. Thank you that I am able to go to church on Sunday and Wednesday without fearing police or mobs. Thank you that we as Christians are able to study your Word. Thank you for my overabundance of Bibles that I have. Forgive me for the times when I haven't wanted to read your word. When those times come, help me to remember that I have brothers and sisters around the world who aren't allowed to own a Bible. Thank you for your many blessings and protections. Be with those who are hurting today, and bring them the peace that you give to those who ask. Love you. In Jesus' Name, Amen Kaye

Saturday, December 5, 2009

1000 Blessings List #5

Two nights ago, I went to a Christmas party for mom's and daughters and it was simply amazing. 75 young ladies and their moms all sang Christmas hymns, ate lots of fun food, and simply enjoyed each other's company for a few hours. I loved when we sang songs together, all of us praising God for his gift of Christ this Christmas.
168. My friends who understand the true reason of Christmas
169. pomegranite seeds...yummo... (pomegranite... did I spell that right? Let me know...)
170. My dear friends from PWHG: Nicole L.
171. Holly H.
172. Rachel C.
173. Natalie K.
174. God's protection and the safety He gives us
175. the Christmas party on Dec. 3rd... Thanks, Lundy Family!
176. 75 young ladies singing hymns loud and clear... one of the prettiest sounds ever
177. light snow falling... like being inside of a snowglobe
178. R running up to me, smiling big, eyes wide, saying "Love You!" and hugging my legs... love that kid... he almost made me cry...
179. L's fuzzy socks that she got at the party... so cool
180. M in her beautiful new white dress... she is so pretty...
Thanks for reading!
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Buy Nothing Christmas

Here is a site that my family found and are doing. Check it out! CLICK HERE TO GO ON THE WEBSITE Thanks and merry Christmas! Kaye