Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring Break Week

Hello there all!
This week, as you could tell by the title, was spring break week. We had a blast. My dad took me and my sisters up to the Duluth area during an ice storm. We had a blast and really had a good prayer life while driving under some dipping power lines and sagging trees. Also, we had a project fair yesterday that went SO WELL!Granny and Grandpa, my friends from church, and Botso and J all came to cheer me and my sisters on. There were many cool projects and a lot of people. Thank you to everyone who showed up to support me and my sisters and everyone in our homeschool co-op.
I give my presentation on Split Rock Lighthouse to Granny and Grandpa and J.
Me and my very good friend from church.
Split Rock Lighthouse after the ice storm. THANKS! In Christ, Kaye Ann Silver

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Kira's Birthday

I am a total dog lover. Those of you who know me know this to be true. After being away from my dog for a while, I'll "pet anything that's fuzzy... even a tree with soft leaves!" as Mamo said once after being away from her two gorgeous goldens for a week. She is a fellow dog lover.
I know that the bottom two pictures aren't recent, but she sure is cute.
This being said, I just thought that you all should know that it is our family's dog's 5th birthday tomorrow. My sister L's birthday is on the 13th and my sister J's birthday is April 29th. My goodness! Birthdays Galore!
I can hardly believe it, though. It seems like two days ago my mom walked in late carrying her and we all just loved her from that moment on.
I love my dog.
Kaye Ann Silver

Awesome, Amzing, Life-Changing Movie

Hey there everybody! I was just on my email and I got this movie from youtube on it. I watched it with my mom and it was amazing. It shows the love of Christ and how sin tries to overcome a Christian. It is truly amazing. The video was filmed at a youth conference and it made me and my mom cry. The story it shows is so true. I ask that you take five minutes and watch this. You truly get a picture of how much Christ does for us. Our God is so good. He loves us more than you or I could ever imagine. Kaye Ann Silver